• Tan ping, born in Chengde, Hebei in China, is an artist, educator and former vice president of the Chinese National Academy of Arts. He graduated from the Chinese Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1984, studied in Germany in the late 1980s and earned a master's degree and a Meisterschule degree. He also received Doctor of Honor from Kingston University, UK. Tan Ping served as Dean of the school of design in the Chinese Central Academy of Fine Arts, Vice President of the same institute, and the Vice President of Chinese Academy of Art. He is currently director of the Experimental Art Committee of Chinese Artists Association and the director of the National Contemporary Art Center in Chinese National Academy of Art. He is known as the leading figure of Chinese abstract art, pioneer of the contemporary Chinese art design and promoter of the development of Chinese experimental art. In his 40 years of artistic practice, Tan Ping has always been exploring multiple fields such as painting, printmaking, multimedia, and design. He joins the many nodes of contemporary art into one through his ceaseless changes and powerful creations.



  • 1960 Tan Ping was born in Chengde City, Hebei Province. He lived with his grandma in his hometown Yantai at...



    Tan Ping and his grandmother


    Tan Ping was born in Chengde City, Hebei Province. He lived with his grandma in his hometown Yantai at one year old, and moved back with his parents at six. Tan Ping’s mother was part of the first cohort of undergraduate student in Chengde Medical College after the founding of new China. She became the College gynecologist after graduation. At that time, lacking of medical resources, Tai Ping’s mother undertook almost all mapping illustrations in the medical apartment. Tan Ping liked painting since childhood, which is inseparable from the influences of his mother.



    It was a prime time for youngsters to escape the rural and to seek education. Maybe, Perhaps it was to avoid ardous labours, TanPing’s mother became conscious to develop his artistic talents. He began to learn painting with Teacher Hao from Museum of Longhua county,Chengde. Since then, the 12 year old Tan Ping learnt drawing formally.



  • 1975 Fif teen year-old Tan Ping was selected as the backbone of Chengde Municipal Cultural Museum, where he was creating...



    Visiting an exhibition in Beijing



    Fif teen year-old Tan Ping was selected as the backbone of Chengde Municipal Cultural Museum, where he was creating thematic artworks in his spare time. Tan Ping completed his first watercolor art “work Double Bridges Better than the Singles”at that time Fullstop. In 1978, his worspacing Will Build Skyscrapers When I Grow up”, won the third prize of National Youth Arts Exhibition.



    The National College Entrance Examination System was resumed. To meet the requirements of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, in the latter half of the 1979, Tan Ping’s uncle introduced him to study with Cao Dezhao, the graduate of CAFA in Tianjin Beijiao Cultural, to strengthen his drawing skills and foundation.



  • 1980 Tan Ping successfully entered the Department of Print of CAFA with the highest score of 95 points in sketch...



    Tan Ping in front of Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA)


    Tan Ping successfully entered the Department of Print of CAFA with the highest score of 95 points in sketch and color examinations. He was dif ferent from the 78th group of undergraduates recruited after the Cultural Revolution, because the bitter history did not have a profound impact on him. He had no interest in the realist creation which is popular at that time, and spared no ef fort to make the experiments and explorations on the formal language of vision.



    In his sophomore year, Tan Ping started his study in the Etching Studio. He spent more time on creating paintings with direct and free.



  • 1983 Tan Ping started to prepare for his graduate work “Miners Series”, Under the influence of the German printmaker, Kaethe...



    ‘Tibetan’ Series



    Tan Ping started to prepare for his graduate work “Miners Series”, Under the influence of the German printmaker, Kaethe Kollwitz, he stressed about the chiaroscuro light ef fect and the complexity of spirituality in his own etchings.Thereupon, he overlooked the themes and story, to emphasise on the darkness and light, and his interpretation on the dif ferences inside the mining grounds, Meanwhile in his other graduation. “ Tibetan Series”, Tan Ping paysq the same attention to the primitive vitality of life in Tibet, no matter of the strong evening light or the heavy red wall of the temples. Pulling away from Chen Danqing’s artistic style, Tan Ping illustrated a completely different Tibet and their shepherding culture.



  • 1984 Tan Ping graduated from CAFA , and his graduation work “Miners Series” gained the praise for his modeling ability,...


    Graduation work: Miner Series



    Tan Ping graduated from CAFA , and his graduation work “Miners Series” gained the praise for his modeling ability, so he became a lecturer of CAFA af ter graduation.



    Tan Ping created “ The Black Sea” Series, “ The Great Wall” Series and the urban life-themed painting “ View from the Back” , These works with no theme and nor direction actually reflected his true feelings

    and pursuit for the art. The work “the Great Wall” was published on the front cover of the magazine “ ART ” in June in 1986. Tan Ping was later on classified as an ‘avant-garde’ artist.





  • 1987 Tan Ping married Teng Fei, who also graduated from the Department of Print of CAFA . He started making...


    Tan Ping (first from right) and Teng Fei (second from right)



    Tan Ping married Teng Fei, who also graduated from the Department of Print of CAFA . He started making etchings. When Tan Ping lost track of time in one incident, and lef t a corroded copper plate in the acid bath, it motivated his primal exploration of the abstract language. In the same year, he became well-known for his ‘abstract ’ series of etchings.



  • 1988 In CAFA Lecturers Drawings Exhibition held in the National Art Museum of China, Tan Ping’s pencil rubbing works “Net...

    网 系列

    ‘Net’ Series



    In CAFA Lecturers Drawings Exhibition held in the National Art Museum of China, Tan Ping’s pencil rubbing works “Net ”series wereon display. Compared to other artists’ realistic drawings, Tan Ping made

    conceptual discussion on the drawing in his works, but he was not understood by the majority at that time as it was too “avant ”. In the same year, He started to learn German in the School of Foreign Language, preparing to study abroad.



  • 1989 Tan Ping won the West German Cultural Exchange Scholarship Deutscher Akademischer AustauschDienst (DAAD). As one of the only two...


    Tan Ping in Germany



    Tan Ping won the West German Cultural Exchange Scholarship Deutscher Akademischer AustauschDienst (DAAD). As one of the only two students who have gained this honor, he lef t China for Berlin, and began studying in the Free Art Department, Universität der Künste Berlin. He was mentored by the German neo-expressionist master H.K .Hoedicke. Later, he studied with Beckmann. In 1989, Tan Ping witnessed the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the unification of Germany.



  • 1994 Tan Ping graduated from the Universität der Künste Berlin and recieved a master’s degree and the degree of Meisterschule....



    Graduation work


    Tan Ping graduated from the Universität der Künste Berlin and recieved a master’s degree and the degree of Meisterschule. During Autumn of the same year, without any hesitation, he chose to return to CAFA , and taught in the Department of Print. During his returning, Tan Ping took the prints from Berlin and held his first exhibition in the Museum of Contemporary Art, Beijing. Adopting visual experiments and concepts as the starting point of creation, these prints aroused a new wave of imitation in the print field.



  • 1995 Tan Ping entered into in another turning point in his life. Under support of President Jin Shangyi, he participated...



    CAFA shares a school gate with “Er Chang”



    Tan Ping entered into in another turning point in his life. Under support of President Jin Shangyi, he participated in the establishment of the Design Department of CAFA . How to establish the new design

    education system became Tan Ping’s main source of drive, influencing the orbit of his artistic career simultaneously.



  • 1997 Tan Ping created the ’20 x 20’ print series, brought in the principles of design and architecture into his...

    無題 / 銅版畫

    Untitled / Etching



    Tan Ping created the ’20 x 20’ print series, brought in the principles of design and architecture into his creation. In the same year, the four printmakers: Tan Ping, Su Xinping, Wang Huaxiang and Zhou

    Jirong established the Square Studio, with the main purpose of research and artistic exploration.’



    The Square Studio GRoup Exhibtions were held at Shanghai Museum of Art, and at Konrad Adenauer Foundation Bonn, Germany. In 2000, Tan Ping’s solo print exhibition was held at Berlin Art Lof t. His work during this period focused more on materiality. Tan Ping used paper pulp and iron plate found in garbage station for his minimalist series called ‘Calligraphy.



  • 2002 College of Design of CAFA is established, and Tan Ping served as the Director of the College. 2004 Tan...


    Tan Ping worked in print studio


    College of Design of CAFA is established, and Tan Ping served as the Director of the College.



    Tan Ping’s father was diagnosed with cancer, he then recieved operation and removed the tumor. The cancer cell motivated Tan Ping’s artistic drive. The cancer ‘cell’ gradually replaced the symbolic lan-

    guage of ‘circle’ in his paintings.



  • 2006 “Ruins” Tan Ping and Zhu Jinshi Works Exhibition was held in Today Art Museum, Beijing. The works in this...



    The work Red in exhibition hall


    “Ruins” Tan Ping and Zhu Jinshi Works Exhibition was held in Today Art Museum, Beijing. The works in this Exhibition were his largest size works at the time, also were most symbolic ones, establishing his position and influence in the field of Chinese abstract art.



  • 2008 Tan Ping’s Paintings Exhibition “ Twinge and Appeasement”held in Today Art Museum, showed the works created in his recent...



    Today Art Museum


    Tan Ping’s Paintings Exhibition “ Twinge and Appeasement”held in Today Art Museum, showed the works created in his recent five-years. Later, another solo exhibition was held at Shenzhen Art Museum. In the same year, he participated in “ Yipai”Chinese Abstract Art Exhibition of Thirty Years in Caixa Forum Madrid, curated by Gao Minglu.



    The“60×60” Seires was exhibited in CAFA Art Museum and Yuan Art Museum. Tan Ping participated in “ The Great Celestial Abstract–Chinese Abstract Art in 21st Century”in National Art Museum of China, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva, an Italian curator.



  • 2012 A Line” Tan Ping Solo Exhibition was held in the round hall of National Art Museum of China. One...


    National Art Museum of China



    A Line” Tan Ping Solo Exhibition was held in the round hall of National Art Museum of China. One of the works was a forty-meter woodcut, while other works he created during his forty-year artistic career

    were used as background in the two side halls. As the first abstract artist exhibition held in National Art Museum of China, his works raised ex tensive discussion in the art world. Cutting a line in National Art Museum of China is unprecedented.



  • 2013 Tan Ping started creating “Overspread” Series, The whole process of creating the painting “Overspread No. 2”was recorded. In April,...



    PIFO Gallery Beijing


    Tan Ping started creating “Overspread” Series, The whole process of creating the painting “Overspread No. 2”was recorded. In April, at the opening of “Murmurs” Tan Ping’s Solo Exhibition in Meilidao Interna-

    tional Art Institution, Beijing, the documentary was exhibited for the first time. As another part of Tan Ping’s creation, the video revealed the discussion on many issues of the painting process such as “action” and “motivation” .



  • 2015 “ Tan Ping: Follow My Line” exhibited in ASU Art Museum, Tempe. In May, “Oriental Abstraction VS Western Figuration:...

    Drawing - The Art of Tan Ping


    “ Tan Ping: Follow My Line” exhibited in ASU Art Museum, Tempe. In May, “Oriental Abstraction VS Western Figuration: A Dialogue between Tan Ping and Luciano Castelli” held in National Art Museum of

    China.In June, “Drawing-The art of Tan Ping”, Ginkgo Space, Beijing. In October, the Duo Exhibition “Divergence” Tan Ping and Liu Qinghe will be present in Meilun Art Museum in Hunan. 2015 was a fruitful

    year for him, a year of inheriting the past and opening the future.



  • 2016 At the Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Academy Art Museum, Tan Ping and Swiss artist Castelli completed the “...


    瑞士苏黎世海姆豪森美术馆 展览现场

    Helmhaus Musuem Zurich Switzerland



    At the Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Academy Art Museum, Tan Ping and Swiss artist Castelli completed the “ White Wall Project ”, the first in China’s Art Museum. The two artists took use of

    1,500-square-meter exhibition space as a creative site and engaged in a creative dialogue. Tan Ping adopted the method of moving setting, responding to Castelli’s rather figurative and introspective image with abstract and fluid line works. By the end of December, Tan  Ping was invited to do a ten-day on-site creation at the Helmhaus Museum in Zurich, Switzerland. For the first time, the connection between the shelf and the on-site space was broken, and a large amount of ​​ black on the canvas overflowed the wall. Tan Ping’s paintings moved towards a new milestone in space. The exhibition opened a dialogue between Tan Ping and the Swiss audience under the title of “ The Mountain Beyond the Mountain - The Encounter of Contemporary Art ”.



  • In February, Tan Ping held his first solo exhibition in Hong Kong, “Certainty in Uncertainty”, curated by Huang Du and...


    Horsens Museum of Modern Art

    In February, Tan Ping held his first solo exhibition in Hong Kong, “Certainty in Uncertainty”, curated by Huang Du and was held at the Leo Gallery. Tan Ping brought back his large-scale paintings from

    the Heimhausen Museum in Zurich into the gallery. He broke boundaries with traditional painting by adapting the new artistic presence so intentionally uncertain and unstable, showing audience a scene

    constituted with elements of ‘abstraction’ and ‘action’. In April, Tan Ping held a solo exhibition at the Yuandian Art Museum in Beijing, which did not demonstrate any drawing elements, but carefully arranged the “light tubes” at the corners of each wall as the main body of creation. The empty space and the artist ’s performative practice became the artwork itself, breaking the inherent cognition about exhibition, and expanding the participation, experience, and interpretation of each visitor. In September, the solo exhibition “ Tan Ping” was held at Horsens Museum of Modern Art, one of the most important contemporary art galleries in Denmark. For the first time, more than 20 large-scale paintings created in recent years were displayed in a  centralised manner in the Western art world. In Andersen’s hometown, he created “Field Paintings” “Fairy Tale”, measuring more than ten meters long.



  • 2018 Tan Ping’s solo exhibition “ Tan Ping 1993: The Beginning of Two Modulus” in Platform China was curated by...


    双重奏 譚平和巫鸿

    Duet: A Tan Ping Retrospective

    Tan Ping and Wu Hung



    Tan Ping’s solo exhibition “ Tan Ping 1993: The Beginning of Two Modulus” in Platform China was curated by curator Cui Cancan. From Tan Ping’s numerous creations, the curator has sorted out two fundamentals within Tan Ping’s artistic creation based on “modulus”,and has divided the exhibition into two parts, including 9 selections of video projections and multiple sets of usual works, e.g. drawings,

    prints, paintings and installations. Curator Cui Cancan said: “During his 20 years of creative career, Tan Ping has been an artist of the free-spirited, concepts, abstraction, and minimalist, thriving in continuous exploration. Through his work , there are an array of accents, histories, experiences, realities and self reflection. For Tan Ping, there are only two things needed to be expressed - balance and time.”

    In December, Tan Ping participated in an exhibition co-organized by the National Gallery Singapore and the Art Science Museum with two sets of works “+40m” and “60×60”, with the theme: Minimalism:

    Space. Light. Object.”. Curated by Adrian George, this large-scale exhibition was considered to be the first minimalist themed exhibition in Southeast Asia, about 150 works by more than 80 artists and 40 composers from Europe, the United States, Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific region. The curator exhibited Tan Ping’s works and one of Minimalist Greats, Donald Judd’s cube sculptures at the show.



    From June to September, the exhibition “Duet: A Tan Ping Retrospective” curated by curator Wu Hung was held at the Yuz Museum in Shanghai. The exhibition included more than 40 paintings, prints and videos, tracing the growth of the artist, including life and thinking process, observing the evolution of Tan Ping’s 35-year art career.



  • 2020 Tan Ping stepped down from the Central National Academy of Arts. Leaving the management position and became an ordinary...

    「界 | 限」譚平回顧展 「漆咸居」藝術研究與交流中心

    “Bound | Less” Tan Ping Retrospective Chatham Maison Art Research & Exchange Centre at Mid-levels



    Tan Ping stepped down from the Central National Academy of Arts. Leaving the management position and became an ordinary professor/ tutor. This gave Tan Ping more time to reflect and experience. In

    February, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, a large-scale exhibition originally planned to be exhibited in Today ’s Gallery during  April, overviewing Tan Ping’s educational career was canceled af ter

    a-year-long planning. On October 31st, the Tan Ping Painting Exhibition “2020” was first

    opened at the Art Gallery of Shenzhen Artron Art Center. From October 28th to 30th, were 3 days of uninterrupted on-site creation, in an 815-square-meter architectural space full of uncertainty, Tan Ping

    created a speculative and sacred field, leading the viewer into the soul deep remembrance. Tan Ping wrote in the preface: In 2020, the sudden arrival of the new corona epidemic has made each of us feel

    the approach of death. In the darkest moments, art became the light that is being squeezed out in the face of death.


    While the pandemic improved, it felt as if we were catching up with the stolen time in 2020, the Chinese art world has revived like never before. Curated by Cui Cancan, the solo exhibition “ What is Painting—Tan Ping 1984-2021”, which systematically summarized Tan Ping’s painting history, opened on May 15 at Tang Art Gallery. The exhibition tone seemed af firmative, yet just like the title of the exhibition, the artist is questioning, behind the stagnant of time, lies the never-ending pursuit of art.


    Starting from 7 December 2021, at Amanda Wei Gallery in Central and Chatham Maison Art Research & Exchange Centre at Mid-levels,“Bound | Less” is Tan Ping’s first major retrospective exhibition in Hong Kong, immersively presenting more than 60 symbolic works in his 40 years of art creation.


    The exhibition is held concurrently at Amanda Wei Gallery in Central and at a nearly 100-year Grade II historical monument at Mid-levels. In these two distinct exhibition spaces - a modern gallery versus a historic building, the audience will explore with Tan Ping the fluidity of the “boundaries” of life - darkness and light, pain and pleasure, reason and passion, inner spirit and outer worlds. Even absolute darkness has its cracks of light, and reason can be harnessed in the moment of passion, while the fetters of space can never confine the freedom of the mind.



  • 2024 The Rothko Museum and Wei Gallery are pleased to announce that the artist Tan Ping will have a major...



    Rothko Museuk "Back and Forth: The Art of Tan Ping" Opening



    The Rothko Museum and Wei Gallery are pleased to announce that the artist Tan Ping will have a major exhibition “Back and Forth: The Art of Tan Ping” at the Rothko Museum in Latvia from May 31st to August 25th, 2024. This exhibition honours Tan Ping's hybrid identity as an artist; not only was he educated in Beijing and Berlin, but his work fuses European and Asian elements – including the work of Mark Rothko. After this major exhibition, which will be the premiere show during the summer season at the Rothko Museum, the artist will have another European show at the Museum Ludwig, Koblenz in Germany.