
往來 |羅斯科博物館
May 31, 2024

策展人菲利浦·多德說:“ 譚平的藝術兼具世間的智慧與感官的愉悅,同時也對一種古老卻依然強大的正統觀念(此等觀念在諸多藝術史及當代泛歷史領域的書寫中比比皆是)提出了挑戰。”這種古老的正統觀念認為,人類的存在注定如同彼此孤立的“簡倉”(silo)單元,他者的文化只會為“我們”帶來污染,而非助益。


” Curator Philip Dodd states: " Tan Ping's sophisticated and sensuous art challenges the tired but powerful orthodoxy visible in certain kinds of art history and in many contemporary accounts of wider historical developments that we are destined to live a silo existence where 'our' cultures are only contaminated (rather than enriched) by those of others."